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Effects of Flocculant Concentration and Temperature on the Membrane Separation Process in Microalgal Suspensions


In this paper published in Chemical Engineering & Technology n. 45 vol. 2 Fev 2022 (Impact factor = 1.728), we evaluated the effects of concentration of various flocculants and temperature variation on microalgae separation efficiency by membrane filtration systems. Increasing the temperature and using a flocculant improved the separation process. The work were the result of the master's study of the engineer Thiago Nishimura developed at Programa de PΓ³s-Graduação em Engenharia e CiΓͺncia dos Materiais in partnership with the University of UberlΓ’ndia (Prof. Rafael Bruno Vieira).

Alternative link: https://doi.org/10.1002/ceat.202100490